Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unexpected Invites...

I have just finished the best meal I have eaten while in the USA and met a great family. I have often talked of the good people that have been put in my path and today was of no exception. It was 5:30 pm and I was standing in the street of Praire Du Chien deciding wether or not I should cross the border into Ioha or if I should find a place to camp on the outskirts of the town when a lady walked out of the shop I was near and introduced herself. Kathy was then to invite me over for dinner and to meet her family. On arriving I met her husband, Bryan who was quick to offer me the use of the shower (maybe I was a little stinky) and also the use of their outside play house to sleep, which is the size of a small bedroom. My evening had done a complete somersualt, from "where do I go in a town that I was a stranger" to sitting on a table with a great family, talking and eating shazlicks, salad, cuz cuz and rice with a never ending glass of cold milk! It is times like these that I know I will look back on this trek and look past how hard it all was, how much I missed my loved ones, how much my legs, feet and back hurt and realize it was a truly blessed time in my life.
Now we are sitting back having a coffee and chatting with Kathy and Bryans two great kids, Rene and Anthony. I just wanted to share this little unexpected event that popped up today. Now I better get going as I am being rude not talking to these guys. Am feeling great tonight thanks to these guys, it is an amazing thing how people like Kathy and Bryan would not even think twice about how they treated a stranger like me tonight and they would not know how much of a boost and lift to the spirit it has been. Thanks so much guys for your good hearts...

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