Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Set of Wheels and My New Mate Raz...

Waking today I was happy to see the threat of rain not looking too dangerous. We copped a fair amount last night which made it a cold wet morning packing up the tent but now I am on my way the skies are looking inviting. After checking out my GPS I am around 55kms from downtown Minneapolis. I must say I do not really like walking on the outskirts of the big cities, the traffic is a hell of a lot thicker, faster and less likely to give you a wave and a smile than back in the sticks. I am looking forward to getting past Minneapolis and back onto a smaller path near the MR. 

11 October

Last night about 5pm I was strolling along pretty bloody tired and was thinking of finding a camp spot somewhere. The day had been a good one with the exception of getting stuck in a quick 45 minutes of rain in the afternoon. I looked on down the road to find a spot, it was not looking real good and there was not a heap of light left. I noticed just ahead was a small bridge and just behind that was a tiny little motel, I had not spent a night in a motel yet on this trip and I was about due for it so I made a v line for it. I was met at the door by a little man by the name of Raz. Raz, who is originally from India, looked a little concerned when I entered the place, with the size of my backpack. “What is this, it is too much” he told me. After having a chat about what I am doing the trek for and so forth, it seemed Raz was adamant that he was going to help me and look after me. After giving me a really good rate for the room he told me to come back for some food when I had taken a shower and got organized.  I headed back to find Raz waiting for me with a tray of cakes, muffins, chocolate rolls, raspberry danishes and all sorts of goodies. “Please take as many as you like” he told me in his strong Indian accent, “We need to keep you strong and full of food for all the walking you are doing”. He then told me to sit down at the table in the reception area and started bringing out toasted sandwiches, chips and my favorite soft drink – Mountain Dew and refused to take any money for it. What a legend! I can tell you, after all that I was chockers (full Cami, jaja) and feeling a million bucks again. I bid Raz goodnight and thank you and retired to my room for the night.

After a long, hot bath (which has never felt so good) I sat back to watch Pretty Women with Julia Roberts on cable tv with a hot coffee and a few more cakes and muffins compliments of my man Raz. Was heaven to be in a bed with clean sheets and to be finally clean myself. I can say I slept like a log that night!

The next day as I headed out to the reception to grab a coffee I found Raz again waiting with more cakes, muffins etc, and also with a small bag that had wheels on the bottom.” What is he up to now” I thought? He told me that he wanted me to take one of his bags as he was very worried about me damaging my back or shoulders. He told me that if I did not like it I could give it to his uncle in Minneapolis where I should be arriving in around three days time. I was not real keen on the idea but I thought hey, gotta give it a go I guess. I was also very humbled and appreciative of this mans kindness to help out a complete stranger. So after bidding Raz farewell with many thanks I headed off with my backpack 15 kilos lighter but with that 15 kilos wheeling along behind me. After 2 kms it was proving to be ok but I thought “No way can I hold on to this thing everyday for the next week, let alone 4 or 5 months”, so I started thinking of ways to make it work. As I was thinking this I noticed an old cable-rope thingy on the road, it must have snapped and came off a truck, and not for away from it was the hook that had attached it to the truck. I took the cable and and threaded it through the back of my pack so it was attached to the bars of my pack, so there is a loop of this that now hangs just below the base of my pack. Onto this cable I attached the hook and wouldn’t you know it… it was the perfect height to grab onto the handle of the bag with wheels. I had a little walk with it to test it and it worked a treat. So now I have a lot less weight on my back and am dragging a little wheelie bag behind me. The only negative thing about the wheelie bag is that now I must always be on paved roads or sidewalks, but after today it isn’t too bad and with weight off my back, it has also helped my knees out as they are now not copping 25 kilos onto them with every step, they feel good tonight!  I am not real sure how long the wheels will last with this though as they are just small plastic ones, but I reckon at least until Minneapolis, so walking has been a little easier today, on the back and knees anyway, the feet are still a little sore. So thanks to you Raz for your kindness and your genius, I wish you all the very best with life.

I am now camped at a town called Elk River, which is about 2 days walk from Minneapolis. They say there will be rain tomorrow which will slow me up a bit though, but let us hope for another good day like today full of sunshine and people like my mate Raz…. 

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